Software Inventory

Operating Systems and Applications Software

Ubuntu Linux on all servers and workstations

Statistics, Econometrics, and Machine Learning

  • Stata and Stata MP (xstata/xstata-mp)
  • R
  • Python
  • Julia
  • SAS
  • Tensorflow
  • PyTorch
  • Gauss
  • TSP (Available only for download)


  • Mathematica
  • Octave
  • matElike
  • Ipopt
  • Maple
  • OpenBLAS
  • IBM CPLEX Solver for Matlab

Tools and Utilities

  • NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group Library)
  • IMSL Fortran Numerical Library
  • StatTransfer


  • GNU: gcc, g++, gfortran
  • Intel: icc, ifort


  • C
  • C++
  • Python
  • R
  • Fortran
  • Julia
  • Perl

Text Editing and Document Preparation

  • vi
  • Emacs
  • pico
  • TeX, LaTeX, LaTeX2e
  • kate
  • Lyx

Office Applications

  • Microsoft Office (only on lab Macs)
  • Libre Office

Other Applications

  • dynare++
  • 7zip
  • Aspera Connect
  • Pdftk