Account Rules
Do not give out your account information to any other individual. Any individual found accessing another individual’s account will have his/her account closed immediately, and this may result in further disciplinary action.
Each individual is responsible for ALL activity associated with his/her account.
DO NOT log into your account from another individual’s account.
Send mail to “manager” immediately if you suspect that someone has gained access to your account.
Abuse of any computer account by an individual within the EML system or abuse of any other computer system may lead to termination of the individual’s EML account and permanent suspension of all EML system privileges. Abuse of an account includes, but is not limited to:
Unauthorized attempts to access accounts, files, or system resources.
Malicious mischief of any sort.
Any activity originating from a local account (on any computer system) that results in an official complaint being logged against the user.
Unsolicited electronic communications with an individual who is not known to the user and/or the recipient.
Use of electronic communications for advertising, selling, personal solicitations, or sending chain letters (The use of departmental aliases is restricted to University business).
Failure to cooperate with requests of the System Staff regarding use of system resources.
Playing of games.
Repeated failure to follow posted rules.
Individuals are not allowed to connect or remove computer equipment to or from the network connections in any room or office. An individual may request a connection for a personal computer and will be assigned a DHCP connection to use with the purple cables installed in offices. Attempting to attach any other computer equipment to an office network outlet is prohibited. This includes connecting switches, hubs, laptops or other computers from outside of the department.
All network connections within the department are controlled by the EML. All network related requests for service or reports of problems should be directed to the EML.
The contents of all accounts (including files that are owned or created by the user regardless of location) are subject to copyright laws, and all users must comply with those laws. All “original works of authorship” that are produced or distributed are covered by copyright law. An individual can not store or distribute (make available), in part or in whole, any item that is protected by copyright law without the written permission of the copyright owner. In order not to fall under the provisions of Senate Bill 1386, users are prohibited from storing/creating information that contains an individuals name in combination with personal information as defined by either a social security number, drivers license number, or financial/credit card number.
EML accounts are not to be used for storing personal music or videos not directly related to course work or research. EML accounts can be used to transfer personal music or video files but the files must be removed within 48 hours.
Restrictions on files located under the home directory with names that begin with a ‘.’ prefix (referred to as ‘dot’ files):
Only the owner is permitted to have “write” access to a ‘dot’ file.
Dot files can not be a ‘link’ to a file outside of the user’s account.
A “.rhosts” file can not contain the name of any non-EML computer. Undergraduate class accounts are prohibited from using a “.rhosts” file.
Limitations on the use of computer resources require that users do not run more that one large job on a computer at a time and do not run jobs on more than 8 computers simultaneously. When printing do not place more than 10 jobs in a printer queue. For information on resource usage see “help bigjobs”.
Remove messages from the incoming mail file after they have been read. Do not save messages in the incoming mail file (/var/mail/[user-name]). If the incoming mail file grows to more than 0.1MB the mail file will be truncated and messages older than 30 days may be automatically deleted. Class accounts can not be used to subscribe to news groups, listing services, or are allowed to post messages to the net.
Users are restricted to creating and modifying files under their account (home directory). With the exception of the use of the directory “/tmp” the placement or modification of files in any other location without authorization is prohibited. The /tmp directory can be used for temporary (one day only) storage of files. Files older than 24 hours will be automatically deleted, but users should remove their files as soon as their work has been completed (See “help tmp”).
Accounts must be renewed according to the following schedule:
Class accounts expire at the end of each semester and can not be renewed.
Graduate accounts for Economics students are valid as long as the individual is currently enrolled. Alumni accounts are issued upon request to individuals who have left the Department in good standing and are valid for one year after separation from the Department. Alumni accounts can not be renewed.
All other student accounts expire on Jan 1 and July 1 of each year and must be renewed.
Guest accounts must be renewed each year by July 1 and require approval of the sponsoring faculty member.
Faculty & visitor (associate research fellows) accounts expire upon termination of their appointments.
Contractor accounts are valid indefinitely, as long as the account is in good standing.
All other accounts expire on July 1 of each year and must be renewed.
Requests for an extension of an account must be received within 15 days of the account expiration date (send electronic mail to “manager@econ”). There is a $20 fee to recover files from an account that has expired. Refer to “help accounts” for more information.
Services requiring reimbursement for materials.
Printing: Student accounts are charged $0.05/page for any printing above their quota established according to the following categories:
40 pages for each lower division undergraduate class account.
100 pages for each upper division undergraduate class account.
*160 pages for each graduate class account.
40 pages/semester for each undergraduate student account.
+160 pages/semester for each graduate student account.
d Contractor, research, and non-statistics UC staff accounts are charged for all printing and should refer to the current rate schedule.
*Students enrolled in Stat 299 can have their quota increased to 500 pages during the period their thesis is being reviewed.
+Alumni accounts will be charged at the rate of $0.05/page for all printing.
Media: Only the costs for the media are charged when transferring files to a removable media.
Please report any problems regarding equipment or system software to the EML staff by sending mail to “trouble” or by reporting the problem directly to either room 643 or 498/499. For information/questions on the use of application packages (eg. blss, sas, S), programming languages and libraries send mail to “consult”. Questions/problems regarding accounts should be sent to “manager”. Refer to “help emergency” for a list of people to contact in case of an emergency.