Julia Packages
We provide Julia, available on all machines by invoking `julia`.
To see what Julia packages we have installed, you can run
$ ls /usr/local/linux/julia-1.8.5/packages
To see what Julia packages are directly available for loading (via `using` or `import`) through our system project, you can run
$ cat /usr/local/linux/julia-1.8.5/share/julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml
At the moment, there are very few packages installed and available system-wide at the moment. However, we’re happy to install additional packages system-wide, particularly if they seem like they would be useful to multiple people. Just email consult@econ.berkeley.edu.
For Julia 1.8.5, for any packages not in the system project (see above), you need to add the packages to your Julia project (which might simply be your default project in `~/.julia/environments/v1.8`) using `Pkg.add` (see below). Packages installed on the system won’t be reinstalled (unless a newer version is available than the one we installed); they’ll simply be associated with your project.
Install Julia packages into your account
You can also install additional packages into your own account. Packages are associated with Julia projects. You can view your current project with `Base.active_project()` and activate a project using `Pkg.activate()`.
Here is an example of installing the `GaussianMixtures` package for your current project:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("GaussianMixtures")
julia> using GaussianMixtures
By running the ‘using’ command immediately, Julia will precompile the package.
Note that if the current version of `GaussianMixtures` were already installed at the system level, Julia won’t reinstall it, but will simply make the system-installed package available in your current project.
You can use Linux environment modules to switch between different Julia versions. This can be done on a one-time basis in a given terminal session or cluster submission script, or can be done in your .bashrc (after the stanza involving ~skel/std.bashrc) to set a default different than the system default.
To see what older versions are available and use one of them:
$ module avail julia
$ module load julia/1.6.6
To switch from Julia 1.6.6 to Julia 1.8:
$ module switch julia/1.6.6 julia/1.8
To see what Julia is being used:
module list