Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop enables you to remotely connect to a graphical Linux desktop running on the EML servers.
One option is to access Remote Desktop through your browser via the EML JupyterHub.
Alternatvely, you can install an RDP (remote desktop protocol) program such as Microsoft Remote Desktop on your device. The Microsoft app comes with Windows and can be downloaded from the App Store for Mac.
You are now required to first login to the campus VPN when using RDP from off-campus. Note that if you are already connected to the VPN and change your wifi network, you will need to disconnect and reconnect to the VPN.
Collaborators on EML project accounts that do not have access to the campus VPN and use the Remote Desktop Application to access EML can create an SSH tunnel.
Choose an EML server, and specify your username in your RDP program. You may want to also change the defaults for sound output and whether you want the application to run in fullscreen.